Friday, May 4, 2012

More problems

We took a good look at the site this Monday, and we liked it. I was clean. I went to main.css to take a good look and saw that something were images, of course both of us didn't want to use images. We took that out and the site looked like blocs. We agreed that we will work on the style of the page later.
The slideshow was still a problem. The images were too small, and to resize them would mess the pixels. Also the arrows to change images were in the way, all we did was put the opacity low.
opacity: 0.8;

Everything seems to be working fine for now.

1 comment:

  1. You need to use CSS3 to do something about the "blockiness"
    of your site (take a look at for one place to start). I asked you to move the
    validation links to the bottom of the page (and center them).
    Please do that ASAP.

    Regarding the size of the images on the site, that sounds like something to talk to your customer about.
